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Amsterdam Weekend Retreat II : December 3rd, 2022

Surrendering All Effort



Guided Meditation: The impersonal witness

- Meeting in the simplicity of being

- Dropping into the fundamental essence of being: beyond any words, beyond any mental understanding, always here aware before any experience appears.

- There is only the one same Awareness looking back at itself from different angles.

- Letting go of trying to make an opening happen and surrendering to whatever is present in the moment.

- A shift in the focus of attention: Awareness is always here.

- Speaking from the experiential knowing, "l am awareness".

- The capacity to discern and to trust your discernment.

- All answers are found in you. To access inner knowing you must rest in stillness.

- Every moment is an opportunity to either suffer or enjoy what is.

- Enquiry: What is my relationship with money?

- The mind tries to understand and categorize, the heart just feels.

- An experiential knowing of the mystery of the moment.

- A gentle reminder: every moment is a meditation.



Length: 01:58:03