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Colorado, USA Retreat II : August 18th, 2023

Ashtavakra Gita reading: Chapter 19: My Own Splendor 



- The stages of how consciousness expresses on the level of form.

- Discernment: thoughts and feelings born from the conceptual self Vs thoughts and feelings infused with higher intelligence, guiding towards inspired action.

- Becoming a clear, empty vessel for higher Consciousness.

- Embodiment: in tune with the intelligence of the body.

- The deeper you go into presence, the deeper you are in tune with life, formless and forms.

- Discernment: egoic tendencies Vs healthy aligned needs.

- Corn kernels in the pan: a powerful collective field of presence.

- The path of truth is the razor's edge: balance and vigilance.

- The flow of synchronicity: you are not doing anything, life is doing it.

- Allowing life to work with you: balancing being and doing.

- Taking time to sit with an idea before making a choice.

- Accessing the dimension of timelessness: being present every single moment.

- The vertical dimension of presence and the horizontal dimension of physicality.

- The difference between indulging and allowing.

- Maturation: from seeking validation externally from our parents to re-parenting the inner child in and as unconditional love.

- Letting go of expectations: from reactiveness and blame to compassion.

-How to deal with family members and triggered unprocessed emotions.



Length: 01:39:03