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Colorado, USA Retreat III : August 17th, 2023

Ashtavakra Gita reading: Chapter 18: Part 5 - The Master 




- Practicing a new way of relating: the empty space of Awareness, consciously present in the body. - Knowing thyself: all emotions still arise but there is an underlying, everpresent peace.

- The practice bearing fruits: from the intention of focusing one's attention as Awareness to "l am Awareness" as a natural, effortless state.

- The mind gets more active: the practice is working.

- The sky is indifferent if it is sunny or cloudy: the aim is not to quieten the mind

   but keep your identity anchored in being.

- Building up your presence power: becoming unmoveable

  by the energetic pull of the conceptual self's thoughts. - Who or what is aware?

- You can't force the process: stay like an apple on the tree, receiving water and sunlight until you are ripe.

- The nature of Awareness.

- A poem.

- Let yourself surface effortlessly and naturally out of silence.




Length: 01:09:41