The Wisdom of the Heart
Guided Meditation: Still presence: give all your interest to that
- The physical, emotional and energetic heart, unconditional love is accessed through presence.
- Discerning: thoughts of the conceptual separate self vs thoughts born from the wisdom of the heart.
- Fear of rejection: letting go of the idea that it needs fixing.
- Exposing the insanity of the mind: it is not you, seeing it for what it is.
- Giving up on the ideas, " l want to feel good" and "l need to work hard".
- The instant seeing: thoughts are not me, the body is not me, l am already free right now.
- There is only one consciousness: this truth cannot be understood mentally, it can only be known as a direct experience.
- Putting aside the book of "me and my life".
- In order to discover the truth you have to investigate your own inner experience: What is it that is aware?
- A dream within a dream within a dream: the fractal nature of the universe.
- It is not about trying to control the ups and downs of the experience of the body, the mind or the emotions, it is about discovering what lies beyond: unending, unchanging stillness.
- Surrendering into the unknown and the mind's need for a fabricated sense of safety.
- Be vigilant with handing your power over to visions, dreams and spiritual experiences.
- Ultimately all power and wisdom resides in your own heart.
- Remain present in being, trusting that in the moment you need to know, you will know, the guidance will arise from within you.
- To know one's true nature: it is everything and it is nothing.
- A reality of paradoxes and mystery: humbly witnessing, recognizing how blessed we are, living this magnificence.
Length: 01:56:52