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Germany Retreat: June 3rd Session 1, 2024

Sinking Deeper into Stillness



Guided Meditation: The Impersonal Aware Witness.

- Resting as the open space in which forms and experiences appear.

- I have difficulty maintaining attention inward when I open my eyes after meditation.

- The mind can project its attention outward to avoid uncomfortable sensations.

- Consciously and gently including tensions held in the body.

- Can I connect in presence with others as a way of deepening?

- We experience 'others' within our own inner being.

- Awareness recognizing itself in another physical form.

- Being your authentic self without the need to uphold any persona.

- Finding balance between the world of form and formless, the relative and absolute.

- What is unconditional love? How do we experience it with all of our memories and conditionings. - A feeling of being met and received, just as you are.

- The process of purging and integration.

- 30 minute silent meditation.






Length 1:23:01