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Germany Retreat: June 5th Session 1, 2024

Through the Eyes of Truth



Guided Meditation: Divine Light of Consciousness purifying the form.

- Drawing your attention back into being: the dimension beyond duality.

- Becoming conscious of unconscious patterns: from acting out to witnessing without identification.

- "I don't belong. l am alone. l am disgusting.": who or what is perceiving these thoughts?

- The body knows what to do to release past unprocessed energies: you just need to consciously witness and allow.

- The mind produces thoughts that are a vibrational match of past unprocessed energies and emotions held in the body.

- Dropping all agendas: opening up and allowing the body to feel sensations.

- Nothing needs to go away: the utmost gentleness and true acceptance.

- Energies are like tuning forks: from external blaming to opening up to one's own inner experience.

- Dropping all labels: what is the felt experience of overwhelm in the body?

- Who or what witnesses overwhelm? You, Awareness cannot be overwhelmed.

- Building up presence power through practice.

- Suffering as an opportunity to remember the deepest truth.




Length:  1:23:38