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Germany Retreat: June 7th Session 1, 2024

The Curtain and the Light



- How to deal with panic attacks.

- The mind is your servant, not your master.

- You are always ok: no experiences or thought can hurt or harm you.

- The direct experiential knowing of the truth of who you are.

- Suffering and negative peak experiences as big opportunities to surrender.

- The only thing we know is this moment: living in the unknown of this moment.

- Can Awareness itself die?

- Firmly established in and as Awareness.

- The romantic fantasy of enlightenment and the quiet neutral peace of consciousness.

- Beyond the dualistic realm of forms lies the ground of being.

- The curtains and the light: partially identified or partially aware.

- Discernment: following your own inner knowing.

- Letting go of past and future: in this moment there are no problems.

- The mind's interpretations of "I got it" and "l lost it."

- Keep coming back to this moment: the gradual transformation that takes place in the eternal now.

- The compulsion of the conceptual self to speak about "me and my life" Vs speaking what's true to speak.

- How to relate to an intense activation of the pain body.

- The more you practice the teachings, the more your system becomes naturally oriented towards abiding as the aware witness.


Length:  1:24:52