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India Retreat: April 2nd Session 1, 2024

The Buzzing Mind



Guided Meditation: The two-sided coin of the conceptual self.

- Thoughts don't need fixing.

- Getting clarity on who you are.

- You, Awareness are beyond positive and negative.

- A shift of focus: from the content of thoughts to the aware space in which they appear.

- Chanting mantras or breathing practices as tools to anchor into the present moment.

- The sky and the clouds analogy: Stay as the stillness and allow thoughts to come and go.

- A laser light of presence: how to relate to your system when it is in overwhelm.

- The side effect of presence: A process of inner transformation, healing and integration.

- Investigating the core belief, "l am bad."

- Somatic exploration: surrendering to a burning tightness in the chest.

- Meeting deeper layers of unprocessed emotions: From a problem to a blessing.

- Consciously including the aliveness of the body.

- Embodying the teachings: life will bring you everything you need to grow.

- You are always doing your best.

- Can l communicate with deceased loved ones?

- A shift of identity from personal to impersonal and the consequent cessation of suffering.

- The absolute and relative truth exist simultaneously.

- You are the gatekeeper: allowing the expression of higher truth.

- Discernment: thoughts born from the conceptual self Vs thoughts informed by higher Consciousness.

- Aligning with higher consciousness: The transformation on the level of form takes time.

- Thoughts and sensations are not yours and they are not you: free from problems.

- The mind's labyrinth: suffering as a catalyst to remember the teachings.

- Inquiry as a way out of the mind labyrinth.

- Deeply anchored in presence: embodying the teachings every single moment.




Length: 01:29:14