Starting from:


Open Circle San Rafael CA, September 27th, 2024

Guided Meditation: Free to Be, Just as You Are.

- No striving, no resisting, simply Being.

- Acceptance of challenges that arise as opportunities for growth.

- Accessing deeper wisdom through stillness of the mind.

- The practice of embodied awareness.

- Spiritual wisdom is not obtained mentally, like completing a course, but through application of the teachings.

- Who is the one that surrenders?

- Identification with the mind's fear and guilt of both failure and success.

- Living as an open vessel through which higher consciousness flows.

- The power of silence.

- Acknowledging the existence of various beings and forms existing on the level of duality while recognizing that all are one on the level of the absolute.

- The paradox of spiritual practices.

- Giving all interest to that which is the perceiver of experience.

- Accepting the opening and closing of experiences of oneness, without expectations or agendas.

- Fully allowing, with conscious attention, sensations that appear in the body.

Length:  2:02:30