*Audio quality in the early portion of this video is not as high as usual and video is somewhat dark in first half of meeting.
Guided Meditation: Full acceptance of every moment, just as it is.
- Unique divine expressions of the formless manifest in form.
- Being available to receive divine grace.
- The heart's longing to merge with the divine.
- Giving up even the 'I' that lives from the heart space to transcend the conceptual self.
- The mind's idea of what spirituality is.
- Abiding as your true nature stabilizes over time with consistent application of the teachings.
- The pure teaching of non-dual awareness and disidentification from what is not real.
- Ongoing transformation on the level of form as a result of spiritual awakening.
- The mind's agenda to get rid of unwanted sensations.
- The inner child's seeking for unconditional love.
- Living beyond the mind.
Length: 2:06:42