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Open Zoom: November 20th, 2022

When Life Gives you Lemons, Make Lemonade 



Guided Meditation: You (Awareness) have no location

- Instant peace: allowing everything to be as it is.

- Inner war Vs inner harmony

- Deeper stillness: when you can find peace right here, right now, you are contributing to the collective external manifestation of it.

- The only way to freedom: giving up identification with thoughts.

- The process of integration on the level of form happens in different ways for different systems, there is no right or wrong way.

- Tuning in to find balance between day to day life and meeting energies bubbling up.

- Healing as an agenda of the mind to reach a certain point vs healing as a consequence of opening up to what is already here.

- We can't choose what we are experiencing but we can choose how we relate to it.

- Everything is for you, not against you: challenges as gifts in disguise.

- Hyperactivity as a form of resistance and opening up to fear as a felt sense in the body.

- The invitation: every single moment of life becomes a meditation.

- Can you recognize the love that is already here? Transmuting fear into unconditional love.



Length: 01:53:09