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Open Zoom: November 27th, 2022

The Deepest Essence




Guided Meditation: At peace, as peace

- Letting go of trying to be right

- Accessing authenticity through moment to moment relating with life.

- What it means to be truly spiritual: giving up effort to be a certain way, the mind's lifework.

- Accessing inner guidance through surrendering to trauma.

- The willingness to see unconsciousness and deeply feel what is present in the moment.

- Resting as Awareness: the foundation of unconditional love and healing on the level of form.

- The deepest truth: Dualism appears in Oneness, nothing is separate from anything else.

- No fixing, no mental understanding just the willingness to look: What is here that is not a temporary experience?

- Somatic exploration: through the layers of the pain body into discovering one's life purpose: to rest as 'l am'.




Length: 02:05:52