Starting from:


Open Zoom: August 31st, 2024

Guided Meditation: Freedom is your natural state.

- Everything that you need to know is already here within your own being.

- Accessing your inner knowing.

- How to deal with parental fears and doubts.

- Navigating choices in life.

- Discernment: sensations arising from triggered unprocessed emotions Vs inner guidance.

- Past unprocessed emotions as opportunities for healing and integration.

- Reprogramming the system: from limiting beliefs to living in alignment with truth.

- The touch of grace: life creates space to invite you to look deeper into the essence of who you are.

- Being the witness of thoughts and the conceptual self.

- Inquiry: who am I beyond all conditionings and stories?

- Unconditional love and allowing the body to feel.

- Healing, transformation and the deeper dimension of existence.

Length:  55:01