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Open Zoom: August 5th, 2023

Beyond Forms and Concepts



Guided Meditation: Eternal being

- Suffering comes not from an experience but from resistance to an experience.

- Discernment: emotions that are coming up in response to a story of the mind that is believed Vs past energies held in the body coming up to be processed.

- Turning the focus of attention from thoughts to the sensations in the body.

- There is only ever this moment: here and now is the gateway to the recognition "l am that which is aware."

- Keep redirecting the focus of attention back into this moment.

- Remembering one's true nature.

- Resistance as an opportunity to expand to your fullest potential.

- Discovering core limiting beliefs and the corresponding energy held in the body.

- Surrendering to the discomfort: that is where transformation happens.

- Resting in the unknown, becoming an empty vessel for the divine.

- Somatic exploration: giving the body permission to feel exactly how it feels.

- Abiding as the witness, filled up with divine love.

- Following inspired action on what feels true.



Length: 01:58:07