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Open Zoom: December 16th, 2023

Resting as the Nameless Subject




Guided Meditation: Simply being aware: your pure naked essence.

- The willingness to let go of the mind's addiction to suffering.

- The root cause of all suffering is an identity crisis.

- Discernment: action born from the mind's fears Vs action born from underlying peace.

- Remain here: what is that which is aware?

- The present monent: the gateway to eternal peace.

- The natural cycle of life.

- Recognizing one's true nature: the end of suffering.

- Total and complete acceptance of what is: an embodiment of unconditional love.

- The natural flow of life: living in peace.

- Cutting it at the root: dis-identification from the little me brings instant freedom.

- Grateful for the bliss l am experiencing.




Length: 00:57:36