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Open Zoom: December 21st, 2024

Guided Meditation: The nature of your true Self

- Self inquiry: an invitation to reflect on the question, 'who am l?'

- Direct recognition of your true nature: Who or what is aware?

- What is here that never changes?

- Consciously including the body in your attention: a re-harmonization process.

- Beyond the filters of separation.

- There is only ever now. Can you meet this moment fresh, right now?

- Forgetting as an indicator to remember the truth of who you are.

- From victimhood to empowerment: stepping out of the mind's story and choosing what feels aligned.

- Communion with the divine: the best Christmas party.

- Discernment: the mind's stories Vs your inner guidance.

- You don't owe anyone anything.

- Living in the fulfillment of your own being.

Length: 01:03:02