Starting from:


Open Zoom: February 24th, 2024

No Identification Attached 



Guided Meditation: The formless dimension of oneness.

- Becoming aware of the energy body.

- How to deal with headaches and blocked energies in the system.

- Unconditionality: the key for healing and integration.

- Trusting the intelligence of the body: the only thing to do: witnessing and allowing in presence.

- Challenges as opportunities to surrender.

- Becoming conscious of old limiting beliefs: who or what is aware?

- Dissolving the pain body.

- My top priority: awakening to higher Consciousness.

- Deepening into presence: healing and integration happen in layers.

- Being present: guided by moment to moment intuition: the most authentic way to live.

- Every moment is a fresh, new beginning.



Length: 00:54:28