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Open Zoom: January 28th, 2024

The Gateway to Freedom




Guided Meditation: The aware witness: totally free, totally impersonal.

- Is the upcoming retreat in India a good choice for me?

- Why does my body sometimes shake during meditation?

- Divine synchronicities, intuition and inspired action.

- Focusing on the stillness of being: hearing the whispers of divine guidance.

- Discernment: inner knowing Vs egoic mind.

- Romantic relationships: a field of growth and transformation.

- All wisdom already exists inside of you and will arise out of the stillness of your being.

- Living in harmony with higher Consciousness.

- The caterpillar and the butterfly: the alchemical process of transformation.

- Surrendering into the unknown.

- The peace that you are cannot be stolen.





Length: 00:54:39