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Open Zoom: July 28th, 2024

Guided Meditation: Surrendering Fully to This Moment.

- Being the seeker carries expectations of experiences, achievements and goals.

- The seeker creates suffering by not accepting the present moment as it is.

- Practicing inquiry into what is aware of the seeker.

- Does proximity to a guru or spiritual teacher increase the transmission of spiritual knowledge?

- Awareness is not affected by time and space. Recognizing one's true nature ultimately happens within, not through external interactions.

- Recognizing one's true nature occurs in the now. Assimilation of this recognition on the level of form can take time.

- My spiritual practice is bringing to the surface feelings of fear, uncertainty, guilt and not knowing my purpose.

- The core egoic fear is death.

- The eternal now unfolds moment to moment.

- Surrendering into the unknown.

Length:  1:00:46