Guided Meditation: Allowing whatever comes to be held in the love that you are.
- Nothing needs to go away.
- What is aware of the mind's games?
- A shift in identity: from 'me' the voices of the mind to 'me' the aware witness.
- No emotion defines you, Awareness: lt is not fear that causes suffering but the identification with it.
- Somatic exploration: agendaless allowing.
- The body knows what to do to heal and integrate.
- What to do when you find yourself caught up in unconscious family and friends dynamics.
- Surrender: everyone can be just as they are, sourcing nourishment from within your own being. - Conscious allowing: the heart grows by breaking open.
- How to get my system out of autopilot?
- Addictive behaviours and impulses: the role they play in the system and how to deal with them.
Length: 01:02:44