Starting from:


Open Zoom: March 3rd, 2024

Your Boundless Nature




Guided Meditation: The still point: pure oneness.

- Discernment: survival mechanisms and patterns: becoming more conscious.

- The calling of the heart: trusting your own inner knowing.

- The longing for the divine: surrender everything to that.

- To be touched by grace: the heart breaks open and divine intelligence fills you up.

- Nurturing devotion, celebration and gratitude.

- Practicing presence and embodiment: harmonizing with higher consciousness.

- The ultimate surrender to the fear of death and the discovery of one's eternal nature.

- The fabricated sense of safety.

- You are here to remember, recognize and live the Truth of what you are in essence.

- The essence of who you are is goodness.

- The learning process: mistakes as opportunities for growth.




Length: 01:02:56