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Open Zoom: May 26th, 2024

Unending Formless One Consciousness




Guided Meditation: Perceiver of Experiences

- What is the experience of enlightenment like?

- Moments of opening and integration often come in stages, over time.

- The mind adopts its own agenda about the 'whats' and 'whys' of enlightenment.

- There is no 'I' to get enlightened.

- Is going into the body as my practice enough, or should I be doing more?

- Embodied awareness can be a meditation practice on its own, and can also be extended to all daily life.

- Remaining present when compulsive impulses arise.

- How do I stay present during triggering situations?

- Practicing presence when things are easy prepares you for challenging moments when they arise.

- Intense presence alone can prevent the pull into unconsciousness.

- Being grateful for challenges in life.




Length:  52:42