Starting from:


Open Zoom: May 4th, 2024


The Flow of Peace




Guided Meditation: Safe and secure, held in the arms of the Universe.

- An invisible power, gentle, yet potent.

- How can I deepen into the present moment?

- Relaxing all effort and letting go of the persona reveals pure consciousness.

- Recognizing yourself as consiousness by seeing the illusion of what you are not.

- True meditation is a non-doing.

- The polarization of the seperate self as positives and negatives.

- Awareness has no image, no location, no form.

- Deepening into the realization of awareness is a side effect of living in presence.

- Making every moment sacred.

- How to deal with the pull of addictive impulses and shame.

- How to witness violence with empathic compassion, without contributing to the collective
















Length:  1:02:12