Starting from:


Open Zoom: September 13th, 2024

Guided Meditation: 'l am consciousness' - opening up to the deepest truth.

- Divine surgery: higher intelligence recalibrates the body.

- The power of allowing.

- Letting go of needing to know: whatever needs to be understood will reveal itself to you.

- Basking in and as unconditional love.

- The sweetness of surrender.

- The longing for truth.

- Accessing inner guidance in the stillness of being.

- Aligned, inspired action: radical honesty and discernment.

- Living in the unknown.

- You are not living life; life is living you: in harmony with the greater whole.

- How to gently meet old conditionings and unconscious patterns.

- Suffering as a reminder to remember the truth.

- The practice of embodied awareness: inquiring and consciously feeling.

- Integration: the reharmonization process.

Length:  56:01