Starting from:


Open Zoom: September 3rd, 2023

Living from and as Truth



Guided Meditation: Effortless Witnessing

- Living as the witness brings greater joy and peace than living as the separate self.

- Perceive the moment as if a newborn baby.

- Dropping the labels of "bad contractions" and relating to bodily sensations

  with unconditional love.

- Surrendering to emotional energy and the Divine simultaneously.

- Being with family is the best way to gauge if you are living as your authentic expression!

- The deepest truth is that " I can't die". Surrender into the aloneness fully.

- Express from your highest power and Truth in your own unique way.

- Whatever you believe will be reflected back to you, so align your belief system with pure consciousness.

- Drop resistance to old emotional pain and be with it as you would with a young child.

- Sit in the fire of Truth and allow the burning up of all that is not true.

- How to respond to parents from a state of inner peace vs

   reacting from old unconscious patterns.

- Whoever you are relating with is ultimately yourself. 




Length: 01:49:08