Starting from:


Open Zoom: September 7th, 2024

Guided Meditation: Into the Now

- Direct experiential knowing of the truth of who you are.

- Transcending the seeking mechanism: the truth can only be found here and now in this moment.

- The conceptual self and that which is aware.

- Abiding as the aware witness.

- There is only ever you and there is only ever now.

- No need to wait: perfection and imperfection, finite and infinite co-exist simultaneously.

- The post awakening integration process that takes place on the level of form.

- Accessing presence and attunement by immersing yourself in supportive energetic fields.

- Your focus of attention: the bridge between forms and formlessness.

- Connection with the greater whole.

- Breaking the habit of focusing the attention as a limited, conceptual self.

- Coping mechanisms and disembodiment.

- The practice of embodied awareness.

Length: 53:29