Starting from:


Rishikesh Open Meeting: March 16th, 2024

No Appearance Can Define You



Guided Meditation: Relaxed and alert.

- Presence practice and meditation as a great support for nervous system regulation.

- How to relate to an activated nervous system.

- Living and embodying presence.

- A shift in identity and the transformation that happens on the level of form, in time as a side effect.

- Moving with grace: responding moment to moment out of the stillness of being.

- Unconditionality is the key.

- Challenges as opportunities to build presence power.

- Including the body in your attention: present and grounded.

- Be like the sky: pure open space.

- In surrender a greater, divine intelligence is directing life.

- Who am l? Investigating from the seat of truth.

- Neither thoughts nor sensations in the body define you.

- Becoming aware of old habits and protection mechanisms that are running in the system: radical honesty.

- Be like the sun: shining your authentic light naturally and effortlessly.

- Your worth is innate just because you exist.

- Untimately, we are all one and the same consciousness expressing itself in different forms.



Introductory music by Philipp Richter:



Length:  1:40:43