Starting from:


Rishikesh Open Meeting: March 17th, 2024


A Vessel for Truth


 Guided Meditation: Unconditional love: vibrating with the frequency of the divine.
- Being present: vigilance is required.
- Breaking an old habit: training the focus of attention until it effortlessly comes back to the natural state.
- The minds story, "I lost it."
- Nurturing the interest for truth.
- The quitness of being is not an audible or mental silence.
- Memories can be helpful for navigating on the level of form: no entaglement, no problem.
- The distorted sense of pleasure the minds seeks: what is aware of it?
- The transmutation of past unprocessed emotions: everything that comes is actually serving this process.
- Surrender to what comes.
- Unconditional acceptance of what is: the end of suffering.
- Following your inner knowing: a magical flow of divine synchronicities.
- Moving as the aware witness: nurturing the connection with your intuition.
- Inner guidance communicates through the body.
- Living in the unknown: letting go of the mind's projection of how things should be.
- A constant invitation to surrender.




Introductory music by Philipp Richter:



Length:  1:37:50