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Rishikesh Open Meeting: March 20th, 2024

The Pure Heart of Being



Guided Meditation: Allowing this moment to be fully experienced.

- How to relate to sadness and challenging emotions.

- Unconditionality is the key for healing and integration.

- The re-harmonization process that the system experiences as a result of meditation.

- How to relate to resistance towards challenging emotions.

- Living the practice: everything is a gift and an opportunity to master surrendering.

- Nothing defines you: free from attachment.

- Reconnecting with the intelligence of the heart: How do l want to spend my time here on earth?

- The heart whispers, the mind shouts: What feels most true for me right now? What is life asking of me right now?

- Conditionings and limiting beliefs: "I need to be productive," "Life does not support me."

- Living in alignment with divine intelligence.

- The footprints story: You are always held.



Introductory music by Philipp Richter:




Length:  1:38:10