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Rishikesh Open Meeting: March 22nd, 2024


The Sweetness of Allowing




Guided Meditation: A unified field of unconditional love.

- Here and now: are you ever anywhere else?

- A dream within the dream: awakening to the truth of your timeless essence.

- Consciously falling asleep and waking up: recognizing the peace within.

- The beauty of mystery.

- The collective conditionings that can be carried by the masculine and the feminine.

- You don't owe anyone anything, you are only responsible for unconditionally loving your own inner experience.

- Stepping into your power: following your intuition moment to moment and reflecting truth.

- Present situations as triggers of past unprocessed emotions and opportunities for healing and integration.

- Embodying truth: all the guidance you will ever need arises from within and it gets stronger when you act on it.

- Everything that life brings is a tailor made gift for your awakening.

- An invitation to become comfortable with feeling uncomfortable: your most authentic expression. - Unconditional love: total and complete acceptance of what is.

- Becoming an open vessel: allowing universal wisdom to flow through and express in form.

- How to surrender to different layers of emotions?

- Embodied Awareness: resting your attention as the aware witness, not giving interest to the mind and including the body as sensations.

-Somatic exploration: awareness aware of the aliveness of the body.

- Conceptual-less perceiving: practicing living in and relating from truth.



Length:  1:35:46