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Rishikesh Open Meeting: March 24th, 2024

Building Presence Muscles




Guided Meditation: Thoughtless spacious Awareness

- From forms to formlessness: whatever you feed with your attention you make stronger.

- Building presence power by practising consistently.

- Meditation detox: the system's processing of past information.

- Plugged in to the creative force: accessing new realms of information.

- Your most authentic expression is unique.

- Becoming an empty vessel and allowing divine intelligence to flow through and express in form.

- You don't need to eliminate thoughts, only to see them for what they are.

- Energetic imprints: unprocessed energies that want to be seen and felt through.

- Am l present right now?

- The longing of the heart to fully live in truth.

- Discernment: energetic processing Vs physical illness.

- Who am l? A constant reminder that releases identification.

- Spiritual awakening is just the beginning: a life long process of healing and integration on the level of form.

- You only have to meet this moment, right now.

- Trusting the body's intelligence: you don't need to understand, you just need to allow.

- Whatever you need to know will come to you as an insight.

- Unconditionality is the key.

- The two sided coin of the conceptual self: " l want to be seen" and " I want to hide away".

- lnner Peace: In tune with what feels appropriate in the moment.

- From external blame to meeting what has been triggered inside.

- The right action arises from the stillness of being.

- Life is a mirror: gratitude for the beauty and the challenges.






Length:  1:33:13