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Rishikesh Open Meeting: March 6th, 2024

Walking the Path of Truth




Guided Meditation: You are the impersonal aware space: give all your interest to that.

- The essence of who you are cannot die because it was never born.

- The willingness to look: an experiential recognition of the truth beyond mental understanding.

- How to relate to fear arising during meditation?

- Living in harmony with divine intelligence: from fear to unconditional love.

- Every moment is a miracle. How are you relating to this moment right now?

- The simplicity of being: always here, always accessible.

- How to bring a meditation practice into my day to day life?

- A shift in attitude: from problems to blessings.

- The dance of being and doing: becoming a vessel for higher Consciousness.

- Intuition and inspired action: following your highest excitement.

- The ocean and the waves analogy: infinite formless essence and finite forms, yet all one.




Length: 1:33:08