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Rishikesh Open Meeting: March 7th, 2024


Present and Embodied


The quality of this recording is bad due to technical issues.


Guided Meditation: Simply stop and just be.

- You don't need to surrender, surrender is your natural state.

- Shifts of behaviour: Informed by a new understanding.

- Discernment: movement arising out of true expression Vs the conceptual self.

- A dysfunctional society can ignite a seeking for truth.

- A calling of the heart: following the path of truth.

- Beyond dualism: You are that which perceives and you are not separate from anything that is appearing.

- The recognition of your true nature and the longing to merge with the divine existing simultaneously.

- Free from suffering: lt is not about making the human expression flawless, but recognising divine perfection, the deeper dimension of being.

- Embodying the practice: becoming a more clear vessel of higher Consciousness.

- The paradox: When you surrender to the timelessness of now, a transformational process happens in time.

- Present and embodied: Surrendering to the absolute while feeling deeper into the inner aliveness of the body.





Length:  01:28:32