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Rishikesh Open Meeting: March 9th, 2024

Starving the Mind




Guided Meditation: Melting into an ocean of stillness.

- The ego's fear of its own annihilation and the fabricated sense of safety it seeks.

- How to relate to fear of death arising during the awakening journey.

- The state of allowing: surrendering into the unknown.

- Starving the mind: uninterested in the content of thoughts, building presence power.

- The only way to know truth: investigating your own inner experience.

- Inquiry: What is the nature of that which perceives thoughts?

- Becoming still and aligning with divine intelligence: What is true for me right now?

- Spiritual development: a shift in identity from the person to the impersonal witness.

- Stillness of being: there is nothing to do to get it, you already are it.








Length 00:58:51