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Spain Retreat: October 3rd Session 1, 2023

Falling Into Presence


Guided Meditation: Somatic Exploration: at peace with this moment.

- Exploring agitation and tightness in the body.

- Prayer: the heart's longing to come home to truth.

- Touched by the beauty of life.

- Emotions are natural and beautiful, they can't hurt anybody: updating old beliefs.

- You cannot succeed or fail, the truth of who you areis that which witnesses all phenomena.

- Life is in service to you, supporting you to grow and become a clear vessel of divine intelligence by bringing up situations that trigger old unprocessed energies so that they can be processed.

- You are held,loved and appreciated by the whole of creation.

- You are always doing your best to apply the teaching: approaching your spiritual practice with lightness and playfulness.

- The retreat is aspace that you can be 100% dedicated and supported in your spiritual practice.

- Somatic exploration: the inner teenager, surrendering to whatever is held in the system, the way out is in.


Length: 02:00:15