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Spain Retreat: October 2nd Session 2, 2023

Synchronize with the Heartbeat of the Universe

Guided Meditation: Silence: your greatest teacher
- Objects are not chosen by you, nor do they define you, they change, come and go, the subject never changes.
- Don't give interest in any thought, stay as the empty space in which thoughts appear.
- Unconditionality is the key: following what feels true and exciting without expecting any outcome.
- You don't have to earn your value, it is inherent in your being.
- "What I want matters" : reprogramming outdated conditionings.
- When you include and allow the sensations of the body in the light of Awareness, transmutation of energy happens effortlessly.
- You can't prevent your children from suffering but you can teach them how to access the truth of who they are by embodying unconditional love and validating their feelings.
- Exposing and disidentifying from the mind's egoic patterns.
- Living in a moment to moment flow of divinely orchestrated synchronicities.



Length: 01:52:17