- An invitation to experiment with disengaging from social media and your phone.
Guided Meditation: Your natural state is unconditional joy.
- Transcending 'lower' and 'higher' states.
- Your practice is not dependent on external circumstances.
- Including the body in your spiritual practice.
- The truth is already inside of you: accessing inner knowing.
- Discernment: true wisdom is gentle, the egoic mind has an agenda.
- Genuine curiosity and radical honesty: key ingredients for any inner investigation.
- How intimate relationships can support your growth on the path of awakening.
- There is nothing to do, just let the fire of Truth burn.
- Falling asleep and waking up: can every morning be a rebirth, fresh and free of baggage?
- The difference between deep sleep and deep meditation: from needing to know to appreciating the mystery and playing with it.
Length: 1:27:05