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Tiru, India Retreat: February 9th, 2025

Guided Meditation: Living in communion with the divine.

- Gifts sometimes come in beautiful packaging for us to enjoy and are sometimes disguised as challenges for us to grow.

- Life is always supporting you to become more conscious: the willingness to look and the eyes to see.

- ln tune with the body: listening and honoring its needs.

- A moment to moment navigation: inner guidance and appropriateness.

- The power of community: like-minded people sharing the love for truth.

- Old unprocessed energies: there is no way around it, the only way out is through.

- The egoic mind's movement of identifying as a victim.

- Past unprocessed pain, protection and coping mechanisms.

- Breaking the cycle: Unconditional love starts internally: how lovingly can you relate to your inner experience?

- 'I am not loveable': letting go of old limiting beliefs.

- Becoming a clear expression of the truth of who you are: deep transformation and healing.

- The cyclical nature of birth, death and rebirth.

- The voice of truth: living in alignment with higher intelligence.

Length:  1:16:10